Shanghai East International Medical Center 

Pudong 24 Hour Emergency -
Alternative - 150-0019-0899 
551 South Pudong Road 200120 China 

Recent Newsletters

Please note that clicking on the newsletters below will open a new window. Please allow pop-ups from our website in order to read the newsletters.

What's New?

Each month, our newsletter includes a wide variety of useful information including health tips for you and your family, a calendar of events for the month, introductions to our medical staff, recent news and changes, and community activities that we are involved with.

Please note that clicking on the newsletters below will open a new window. Please allow pop-ups from our website in order to read the newsletters.

Jul 2, 2024 -黄金四分钟你能做什么? 一定要学拯救生命的本领!

Jun 18, 2024 -The Gift of Health for Father’s Day! 父亲节来临,做爸爸的健康守护者!

Jun 3, 2024 -端午粽飘香,健康无假日 Holiday Notice

May 31, 2024 -“六一”儿童节 我们一起读纪伯伦的《致孩子》

May 17, 2024 -创新“血脂针”,助您轻松管理血脂

May 9, 2024 -Mother's Day Offer 这份健康礼物致最爱的她

Apr 25, 2024 -劳动节小长假,我院全天候接诊 Holiday Notice

Apr 24, 2024 -Join SEIMC SUMMER PROGRAM 我们夏令营要开班啦,现正接受报名!

Mar 28, 2024 -清明小长假,我院不打烊 Holiday Notice

Mar 26, 2024 -Preparing for Seasonal Allergies 春天来了百花香,季节过敏要预防!

Mar 19, 2024 -Hard to Fall Asleep? Does It Mean I Have Insomnia? 睡不着就是失眠?

Feb 29, 2024 -Healthy Gifts for You or Your Ladies 女神最美丽,健康产品是必备!

Feb 1, 2024 -SEIMC恭祝各位朋友龙年吉祥如意!我们假期全天候接诊!Holiday Notice

Jan 18, 2024 -冬季血压飙升!艾灸这个穴位,竟能调理高血压?

Jan 16, 2024 -Maternity Special Offers for Mums-to-be 龙行龘龘好孕来,多种福利送龙仔!

Jan 12, 2024 -SEIMC Celebrates New Year 迎新年晚会 ——革故鼎新 挺膺勇进






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